As a Kinesiologist one of my primary goals when getting to the core drivers of a client’s disease, is to look for the specific underlying emotions attached to their condition. This is because our memories are sensory experiences indexed with emotions, so often a physical condition is a manifestation of chemical signatures being exchanged between the body and the mind.

In our daily experiences, our brain gets information from two different sources:

  • our senses: sight, sound, touch, taste and smell, which convey what’s going on in the world outside us.
  • our feelings: internal emotions referencing previous memories and making instant decisions about our immediate elation or safety.

The trouble is, specific emotional experiences are compounded in the neurology and we no longer react in the moment. Rather we react based on previous stimuli and get stuck on an old loop. This is why the old adage ‘worry yourself sick’ is more of a prediction, rather than a throw away line. Eventually these unresolved experiences will manifest somewhere in the physical body and create dis-ease. Our body has limited ways to communicate that with us, so it uses pain, inflammation, an itchy rash or some other symptom to get your attention. When your body shows repetitive signs of discomfort, it’s an invitation to explore what lies beneath. My years of clinical experience have taught me, when you unveil and reconcile your subconscious emotions, you unlock the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Come and experience Kinesiology today and let your body do the talking.
